Monday, October 25, 2010

Many Unpleasant Things

I don't see 2666 being beautiful yet. It's devastating, for fucking sure. The repetition of the women getting murdered hasn't lost it's punch. Hell, I just read the sentence "in August 1995, the bodies of seven women were found" and I think immediately, 2666 is going to fucking start now, finally.

On a mundane note, I wish the book was printed on heavier stock, because at the moment it's paper thin and I don't underline or make notes anywhere for fear of tearing the pages. Then again, when you've got 900+ pages (893 of story, a couple of explanation, and the title page, plus errata), my guess is it adds up quickly.Then again, this is a first edition in paperback. I'm late to the game, so this is what I get. More to the point, I choked down the above $10 price at a Borders of all places, so I don't get to talk.

ANYWAY. Back to the story.

For the last seventy some pages, the story's been based around a detective that is slowly, starting to investigate the deaths of the women. And they've been dying on at the clip of one or two a month. But I interpret the finding of seven bodies in August 1995 as the author saying and here we go. For real this time. That said, I either need a longer attention span, because these 3+ page paragraphs are starting to get to me.

It's only dawning on me now that from here on out, the rape and murder part is only going to get more pronounced.This is not one of those good thoughts. At all. I soldier on.

Aaaaaaand we get to the prison rape bit. I was right. Uh. I'm not going through the mechanics, but I imagine there's an Oz episode or two that will educate you, if you desire such a thing. I would usually be happy I'm right, but prison rape isn't really, the kind of thing I'm stoked on.

I explained 2666 as a book that's crazy to a person reading the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. (Original title of Girl With…, by the way: Men Who Hate Women.) I read a bit of errata in the back of the 2666 before I started reading '66 in earnest and it talked about a book that swirled around its center. I think of it like a spiral. Hell, there's three whole stories before I get to the story's center, Santa Teresa.

The story about the critics/professors was the furthest from Santa Teresa. I think they only heard about Santa Teresa, or at least went there and didn't stick around. The story about the widowed philosopher had the philosopher move close to (or in) Santa Teresa, but most of the story was about the wife's hitchhiking to meet up with a man she slept and a book that drove the widow crazy. Part number three, about the black reporter, was the person who spent the most time in the city, covering a boxing match that was over (as it had to be) painfully quickly. He ended up being with the philosopher's daughter after guns were drawn and violence was going down.

And now, we're in the city proper where we see from the perspectives of the detectives, the finding of the dead women. There was vaguely mention of it in the first story, more talking around it in the second story and substantiated discussion in the third. I wouldn't call this a story that unfolds so much as a story that is spiraling, maybe downwardly, towards its horrible and truthful center.

Today's song: Silhouette by Thrice. It would be Under A Killing Moon, but, it seems like the murders of women are going to get worse, so I want to save it for when it gets even more out of hand.

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